Pavers ® brings new efficiencies to the complex and demanding task of road, airport and industrial pavement design, construction, evaluation, and maintenance.
The versatile tool allows to back-calculate FWD-deflections, model the pavement structure, (re-)design the pavement, determine the load-carrying capacity (in terms of ACR/PCR or ACN/PCN), calculate the remaining pavement life and determine feasible rehabilitation measures. It is a complete software package that allows the modern pavement engineer to define or use calibrated performance models and failure criteria for all pavement layers and subgrade in his pavement design and H/FWD assessment projects. Hence, the effect of different pavement materials, strengths, load or complex load mixes can quickly be explored.
The program is in use world-wide by a wide clientele of major (airport & container terminal) pavement consultants, engineering companies and universities such as, a.o.:
- The Boeing Company (USA),
- APM Terminals (Netherlands),
- AIMIL Engineers Ltd (India),
- BAM Wegen, Technologie, Materieel en Asfalt (Netherlands),
- Arcus GIBB (South Africa),
- BRVZ SP.zoo (Poland),
- CECI Engineering Consultants (Taiwan, ROC),
- China Engineering Consultants Inc. (Taiwan, Republic of China),
- Civil Aviation Technical Department of France, former Service Technique des Bases Aériennes (Paris Airports, France),
- College of Military Engineering (India),
- Dorsch Consult (Germany),
- DDC Consulting & Engineering Ltd (Slovenia),
- Dutch Ministry of Defense (Netherlands),
- RHDHV Group (Netherlands),
- Flemish Community (Belgium),
- Heiden Labor für Baustoff- und Umweltprüfung (Germany),
- Heijmans Geïntegreerde Projecten (former Breijn Wegbouwkunde; Netherlands),
- Institut Gradevinarstva Hrvastske (Croatia),
- FAA Center of Excellence for Airport Pavement Research (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA),
- Larsen & Toubro ECC (Mumbai, India),
- Lehmann + Partner. Die Strassengutachter (Germany),
- MKS International (Iran);
- Nievelt Labor & Ingenieur GmbH (Austria),
- Ooms International Holding (Netherlands),
- Road & Airfield Pavement Technology REserch center (RAPTRE), Thailand,
- Ramböll Sverige AB (Sweden),
- RouteAero Eng & Tech Consultants Co (Taiwan, ROC),
- SINTEF (Norway),
- SIPROMA s.r.l. (Italy & Argentina),
- Spiekermann Consulting Engineers (Germany),
- STS Engineering Consultants (Thailand);
- Transtech s.r.l (Italy),
- University of Delft Technology (Netherlands);
- University of Gdansk (Poland),
- University of Hannover (Germany),
- University of Karlsruhe, Institute of Technology (Germany),
- Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi - RMUTT, (Thailand),
- University of Zagreb (Croatia),
- VIA Aperta Pavement Consultants (Netherlands),
- Wideurope Engineering Middle East.